
Links to Websites

Click on the images to go to the websites for each organisation

No matter where you are at in life, Uniting is here to support you.

Canberra Region Presbytery

Community connections

 NIA with Jen, Kerryn & Laurien

Dance, Fitness and Fun
Fridays 9.30-10.30am Weston Creek Uniting Church
0417 246 467
Fridays during ACT Government school term.

Yoga with Linda Martin

PO Box 391, Fyshwick ACT 2609
Tel: 044 837 288

Canberra Physical Cultural Club

c/- 80 Harrington Circuit, Kambah ACT.
Tel: 0411 600 658

Uniting Care

Mirinjani Day Therapy Programs
11 Namatjira Drive
WESTON   ACT    2611