Our Church
Sunday Morning Church Services start at 9.00am. You are most welcome to join us.
We are a community of Christian people, which was established in 1970, committed to worshipping and knowing God, being open to the leading of the Holy Spirit and sharing in one another’s joys and sufferings.

Our community is made up of mutually accepting people where friendship, care, concern and healing in the love and grace of God are central to our lives.
Please join us at one of our regular worship services, or contact us for details of one of our other activities, groups, or services.
Sunday Services take place in the worship centre at 9.00am Sunday mornings.
Address: 16 Parkinson Street, Weston ACT.
We can be contacted via our Church office on (02) 6287 1981 or Office@westoncreekunitingchurch.org.au