Our Community Task group coordinates the various groups that have a community and relational focus within the life of the church as well as activities that connect with the community at large. Apart from specific areas of ministry focus, below are some of our community activities.
Regular Events and Activities at Weston Creek Uniting Church
Sunday | Worship Service 9.00 – 10.00am | Main Hall |
Canberra Spanish Church 1.30 -3.30 pm | Main Hall | |
Tuesday | Odd Stitchers craft group (3rdmonthly)1.30pm | Concourse |
Thursday | Know Your Bible9.00 – 11.00am | Concourse |
Evening Bible Study7:15pm | Chapel | |
Ecumenical Choir(Feb-April & Sept–Dec)7.45pm- 9.15pm | Main Hall | |
Friday | Blue Wren’s Play Group(school terms)9:30 – 11:30am | Genesis Hall |
Ladies Fellowship (4th Monthly)12.00-1.30pm | Concourse | |
Ladies Fellowship
Ladies of the Church community meet from 11.00am to 1.00pm on the fourth Friday of each month for lunch and a speaker or theme for the day. A Fellowship of the Least Coin collection and a market table support mission work.
Small Groups
A network of small groups meets regularly for fellowship and discussion. Small groups help provide a deeper friendship base within the church community.
Fellowship Dinners
Held occasionally to encourage social life across the Church community.
Odd Stitchers
This craft group meets from 1.00 to 3.30pm on the 3rd Tuesday of each month for fellowship, craft and afternoon tea. In recess in January.
Market Table
A market table of home made goods (jams, crafts, plants, etc) is organised after weekly church services and other occasions. Funds raised are devoted to special projects.