We welcome newcomers and invite you to worship with us and to reflect upon what God has to say to us. Come and meet other people, make new friends and share in a cuppa and fellowship.
Communion is held on the first Sunday of the month during the worship service.
Our current service times:
- 9.00am Sunday – with activities provided for children in the worship space.
What to expect at our Sunday Services
Our 9am service is held in our main auditorium. Entry is through the main doors on Parkinson Street. You will be greeted by two stewards who will introduce you to some of our 50-60 regulars who come to this service time. The service aims to be a mix of contemporary feel, with modern chorus style with some hymns for those who enjoy a traditional service. Most weeks we use piano and occasionally drums, guitars and other instruments.
The atmosphere is relaxed and during the first part of the service people warmly greet each other. We have a communion service monthly (1st Sunday). The service goes for 1 hour and is followed by morning tea in the concourse area.
The service is led by a volunteer leader in conjunction with the Minister. This service caters for children of all ages and includes a children’s time, and an offering where people come forward to put money in a special bowl for children’s ministry through our church. Currently the children stay in the church for the duration of the service and activities are provided for them to do.